Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Another Chart Fix ~

This chart has another little error.  
In the DMC conversion, the green, Classic Colorworks Lemon Grass should be DMC 562, not 652. 

This chart would be a perfect one to try picking your own colors. Choose a color for the lettering, which could be a very colorful overdyed, or just your favorite color.  Pick a green and a couple of colors for the flowers that you think coordinate well and start stitching.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Chart fix ~

If you have this Spring Begins chart you might be like Dawn who contacted me about why the chart inside didn't match the cover photo. I went in and got it fixed, so in the future it won't be a problem. 
Here is a photo of the chart that fixes the problem. So if you have the chart you now have two choices on how to stitch it. 

If you would like, I have a PDF of the new chart that I can send you. 
 Just email me a picture of your chart and cover photo. 
madebywendy @ gmail . com